The Isle of Man-based online gambling software developer and poker network, Microgaming has advised members of its Microgaming Poker Network that it intends to bring the practice of datamining on the network to a halt.
The company has taken immediate measures to back up its intention, including moves to stop the storage of hand histories on observed tables on players’ computers, and the practice of downloading and storing hand histories in bulk.
A company spokesman said today (Tuesday) that third party software, which analyses hand histories collected by datamining, has over time changed from a useful tool for plugging leaks in a player’s game to one of a more exploitative nature. By using third party software, a player can more efficiently isolate another player’s weaknesses; thus giving the player with the most information on his opponents a greater edge.
Andrew Clucas, head of Microgaming poker operations, commented: “Concern has been rising over the long-term effect of third party software upon the poker industry as a whole, and in particular the negative effect it has on the recreational player demographic.
“The decision to put a stop to the practice of datamining on our poker network is part of Microgaming’s overarching network strategy to support operators in attracting and retaining recreational players.
“It further demonstrates commitment in providing a secure and fair playing environment.
“I would like to emphasise that with this change, as with the [recent] change to Weighted Contribution, Microgaming is not seeking to alienate its winning players. There has been a move in the industry towards penalising winners; we believe that is the wrong approach. There will always be winners and losers in poker.
“What we are trying to achieve is a more level playing field for all the players.”
Earlier this month (see previous report), Microgaming changed its rake allocation method from Average Contribution to Weighted Contribution, a move designed to incentivise Microgaming licensees to attract greater numbers of recreational players.