Nosebleed night for online poker´s Antonius.

By RP, January 28, 2010

Online high stakes poker star Patrik Antonius will be feeling the pain today of an evening session on the Full Tilt high stakes tables that cost him dearly – a total of $826 000 to be precise.

In a luckless 434 hand session of $300/$600 Pot-Limit Omaha against Tom Dwan and Ilari Sahamies, Antonius was crushed again and again.

After Dwan departed, Cole South joined the fray, but Antonius’s bad cards persisted and despite several re-ups his loosing streak went on, with Sahamies the biggest beneficiary at $436 000.

It was a good session overall for Sahamies, who went home $674 000 richer thanks to Antonius and other wins.