Eight new skins for Cake Poker.

By RP, January 26, 2010

The burgeoning Cake Poker Network has added eight new poker rooms including international poker ace Phil ‘The Unabomber’ Laak’s new site Unabomber Poker.com

“We knew we wanted to launch the sickest poker site possible,” said Laak. “By joining a network that focuses on player rewards and accepts players world-wide we knew we would be starting out on the right track. I love getting involved from the ground up. I’m even blogging regularly on the site at Unabomber Poker.com/Blog.”

Laak, who recently won NBC’s Poker After Dark for the second time, brings years of poker experience as well as his trademark enthusiasm to the Cake Network.

“The addition of Unabomber Poker to the Cake Network is a cause for great excitement,” a Cake Network spokesperson said. “Phil’s enthusiasm for the game is infectious and brings a great energy to the network.”

Since its launch in 2006, the Cake Network has experienced significant growth, the spokesman reported.

“This newest partnership comes along with the addition of seven other partner sites including: 7Win Poker (7WinPoker.com), Redback Poker (Redbackpoker.com), Amsterdams Poker (Amsterdamspoker.com), Safari Poker (safaricasino.com/poker), Dimeline (dimelinesports.com), Rags2Riches (r2rpoker.com), Burro Poker (burropoker.com),” he said, adding that more operators were in the pipeline.